von Alexandra Mare Hildegard-Bleick-Haus Frauenwohnheim
Weihnachtsfeier im Hildegard-Bleick-Haus
Wir haben den Geburtstag von Jesus am 12.12.2024 gefeiert!
Merry Christmas everyone!
What a joy to be able to celebrate not only with the best team ever but also with family, friends and people we just made acquaintance with! When two or three are gathered in His name, Jesus told us, He will also be there! And He was. He blessed us with His presence.
We have enjoyed Christmas carols, a good sermon, good food and good people! At the end we were thankful for the gifts we were able to share with our guests! This year, for the first time we had guests from the Teestube Diakonie Wiesbaden, who heard the good news of Jesus´s birth and who celebrated with us!
We felt completely blessed!
Alexandra Mare